Each year, Rotary Club of Tucson members dedicate their time, passion, and energy into helping our next generation of readers and learners thrive. Rotary Club of Tucson raised a record amount of funding this year through their annual Tucson Classics Car Show with proceeds going directly back into the community through grants and scholarships.
Make Way for Books is exceedingly thankful to be the primary beneficiary of the Tucson Classics Car Show. And this year, we are thrilled to announce that Rotary Club of Tucson has awarded a generous grant of $83,723 to support Cover to Cover, our innovative early literacy program that will impact more than 1,000 children each year.
“The members of the Rotary Club of Tucson never cease to amaze me. Their energy, dedication, service, and generosity to make our community a better place for children is remarkable. With this incredible giving power and hard work, these Rotarians can accomplish anything. They are truly helping to change the landscape of literacy in Tucson,” shared Jenny Volpe, Chief Executive Officer of Make Way for Books.

In our community, 4 out of 5 young children do not have access to high-quality early education. As the major sponsor of Cover to Cover, Rotary Club of Tucson provides funding that allows us to travel out into the community to meet families in community locations like food banks, social services offices, mobile home communities, and more. We transform these locations into early literacy classrooms without walls where children and parents learn together.
Cover to Cover gives young children the chance to develop emergent literacy and language skills outside of the preschool classroom. Week after week, parents gain resources and skills to be their child’s first best teacher.
In fact, one participating mother shared, “You inspired me to improve myself to be a better mom to my kids. To see your impact on my kids – to make them want to read and hear stories – it made me want to try harder. I never knew that most of my child’s brain grew by age 5. I finally realized how important it was!”
Rotary Club of Tucson is a tremendous partner to Make Way for Books and goes above and beyond to support our youngest children. Learn more about Rotary Club of Tucson and their amazing support in our partner highlight!
We are beyond grateful for the generous support and partnership of Rotary Club of Tucson!