Girl Power Story Hour

Our mission is to give all children the chance to read and succeed. We work to ensure children thrive in the classroom and beyond it! Children are the future of our community, our country, and our world. And we know that if books build brains, then books build leaders!

With your help, we are committed to sharing books that reflect the incredible diversity and strengths of children and families in our community. A book is a mirror into understanding ourselves and a window to understanding each other. And we believe that every child should see themselves in the stories we share.

All children and all families are welcome at Make Way for Books. Ultimately, we know that the more stories we share, the more support we provide in times of struggle, and the more strengths we celebrate, the stronger we will become as a community.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we shared stories about peace, compassion, diversity, and girl power with a wonderful group of young girls, boys, and families! Children created their own super person capes following the storytime!